About me
Your personal shoulder specialist
My guiding principle
Primum nihil nocere, secundum cavere, tertium sanare! First do no harm, second take care, third heal! Scribonius Largus 50 A.D.
What was true then is also true today, namely the awareness that every medical action also has side effects and that one must carefully weigh up to what extent a therapy will improve the patient's condition or whether it represents an unnecessary risk: That is also my principle when treating my patients.
As a specialist in orthopaedics and a specialist in trauma surgery, I have specialised in both conservative and surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of the shoulder.
After completing my training, I spent a year in Switzerland to take up a fellowship with Dr. Eduard Buess, one of the most renowned shoulder orthopaedic surgeons and pioneer of arthroscopic rotator cuff suturing. In this highly specialised environment, I was able to deepen my knowledge and further develop my skills in the field of shoulder orthopaedics.
As a senior physician at the Speising Orthopaedic Hospital, where I am a member of the specialist team for shoulder surgery I can now make use of this extensive knowledge and experience. Every year I successfully perform over 200 shoulder surgery procedures. This high number of operated patients, many years of experience and permanent further training enable me to treat you according to the latest state of modern orthopaedics.
Education and career
Born: 16.3.1977
Place of birth: Vienna
Marital status: Married, two children
Medical University of Vienna 1997-2005
Present medical activities:
since 01.10.2019
Senior Doctor, Speising Orthopaedic Hospital
since 01.03.2017
Special Team for Shoulder Surgery, Speising Orthopaedic Hospital
Medical Career:
Training as FA for orthopaedics and traumatology at the orthopaedic hospital Speising
Fellowship in shoulder surgery in Bern (Shouldercare practice)
Training as a specialist in trauma surgery at AKH Vienna, University Clinic for Trauma Surgery
Resident in surgery at Wegscheid Hospital (Germany)
Community service abroad at the Hôpital Protestant Ngaoubela (Cameroon)
Further professional activities
- Lecturer at the Sigmund Freud Private University
- Lecturer at the AKH School for Medical Assistant Professions
- International and national lecturing activities
Surfing, sailing, skiing